Monday, March 28, 2005

The weekend in review.

What a long weekend. Saturday we had a birthday party for Clone. I’m glad he only turned two and it didn’t mean a lot to him. Most of the kids invited either didn’t show or got sick and had to cancel. Grau showed up with his spawn (as he refers to them). Other then that it was my oldest boy Boopie, my parents, grandmother and sister. At the age of two, Clone didn’t really know what was going on, so he was more interested in ice cream and playing. Although he can tear into a present like a pro now.

Grau found the coolest gift for Clone, A toddlerized X-wing Fighter from Star Wars. I didn’t even know they made such a thing. What is really funny is that on the box they have Luke Skywalker on it looking like a total red-neck. I tried to get a picture of it, but it didn’t turn out.

Then Karma came back to bite me on the arse. When Grau’s eldest was growing up I made it a point to buy him toy power tools. I didn’t skimp out and get the knock offs, only the best power tools for this boy. Well this year my sister, hence forth known as the nameless one as I’ve disowned her (j/k), gave Clone a Home Depot weed whacker toy just like one I gave Eldest Spawn years ago. I swear on all that is good and right in the world that boy weed whacked every damn inch of our living room and office Saturday and Sunday. Karma sucks.

Boopie was the model/ideal older brother on Saturday. He took Clone up and down the big play land slide for a couple of hours. He’d help him climb up the ladder tube and then would help him slide down the big tube slide. He’d chase him around the upper levels of the play area while playing with Grau’s eldest. There are times I swear that Boopie is not going to reach the age of 12 (in just over a month), and then there are other times when I’m rather proud of the boy. (More frustration of late then pride). On Saturday I was pretty proud of him.

My father was giving me grief over my hair on Saturday. I had just gotten it cut. I like it pretty short for easy maintenance. About a quarter inch on the sides and a half inch on top. I know there are shorter hair cuts, but they make my head look funnier then it already does. Plus it’s fun to tell the public out at re-enactments that my hair is so short because I had lice and it’s just starting to grow back. My father however likes to get the old 50’s style military flat-top hair cut. I keep telling him it’s “an old man’s cut”. He was teasing me about mine being an old man’s cut and the conversation went something like this:

Dad, “I remember you telling me that hair style is an old man’s cut.”

Me, “I put product in my hair and style it, you just leave it all fluffy and brillo pad looking.”

Dad, “That doesn’t make a difference.”

Me, “Sure it does, my hair is spiky and looks good… yours makes you look like an old man.”

Not-so-supportive-wife, “You don’t need to put up with that dad, you can take him.”

Dad, “Yea, I’m sure I can. I bet it’s been a while since someone bent him over their knee and gave him a spanking”.

Me, “Now that you say that, it has been over 12 hours” (Looks at wife).

Nameless one (AKA disowned sister), “Oh god! I didn’t need to know that!!!!”

(Grau and Contagion laughing, Ktreva shaking her head. Father looking on in disbelief. Sister looking mortified by the mental image).

I love when I can get one off like that.

As for Easter, eh, some people like spending time with their extended family. I’d rather stay home and do yard work. And I hate yard work. So I’m not going to post on it, as it was a long three hours.