Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Re-enacting Phrases and Terms.

Since my re-enacting season is starting in just over a week, I thought I would share some terminology with my readers. I know that I and other re-enactors use slang and lingo that is unique to our world. Therefore, to help my readers to have a better understanding of what I’m saying, I am going to post various words each day over the next week. Today’s sample comes from Macgregor Games’ Glossary. I am going to save my readers time by giving you a sample of the words and terms I use. His definitions are much better then ones I could have come up with.

Being shown the blue goldfish: - once used to a naive 13 year old who was asked "did he want to go and see the blue goldfish?” He replied yes and was then taken and had his head flushed down a portaloo. Also known as a blue rinse. (-No, honest! I’ve heard this tale told many times. I even personally tried to get a kid to fall for it once.)

Booshway: From the French "bourgeois." The event coordinator, or person who signs the checks, and is responsible for everything that goes wrong, from the weather, to the loud and drunk Scots' encampment.

Brick Farmhouse: The flushie constructed of cinderblock that's convenietly located near your otherwise period camp. Also known as the Brick Powder House.

Camp Herpes: (Fur Trade) As in you've "contracted Camp Herpes" -a re-enacting friend needs a place to sleep "just until I find a new place" because he/she got fired/ split with the spouse/were evicted/truck broke down etc... and it turns into a nine- month stay by a freeloading slob who refuses to help around the house or get a job that pays enough to contribute anything to he household. Also used in reference to a veteren re-enactor that has yet to buy their own lodge/tent and continually borrows another re-enactors lodge/tent to use.

Confessional: Portable toilets. Every morning, 2-3 re-enactors would plant themselves in the port-a-poties as the gates opened, and the first patrons in the area would be treated by confessions between the toilets. "Damn, Padre, this wafer tastes AWFUL!" Also known as Hooters, Portaloo and “Our lady of the blue water”

Dog Soldiers: Participants who volunteer to provide overnight security at events. "-I don't know officer... he must have been lurking around camp last night, and tripped and landed on a tent stake -three, or four times..." (Comes from a term for Native Americans who worked for the U.S. Army.)

Ducks: Re-enactors who can be counted on to show up for an event no matter how bad the weather may be. This term was picked up at a rendezvous in Spirit Lake, North Idaho. The best day was when it only rained, there was no hail, and the wind didn't knock any limbs out of the trees! (Example: The Illinois River Scum. A great bunch of guys, very hard-core.)

Fair Weather Mountain Man Association (FWMMA): an unofficial group of re-enactors who refuse to attend events that coincide with rain, snow, hail, or any other sort of inclement weather. At rendezvous, they are usually the ones with spotless, gleaming-white lodges (even the smoke flaps are white). Mud is to the FWMMA as kryptonite is to Superman. They are despised by ducks. (See Graumagus’ event schedule for the last couple of years. *Smiles and runs away*)

Flatlanders: The visiting public.

Jameson's Disease: The after-effects of an overdose of Irish whiskey, aka, the "bottle flu."

Responsibilityitis: a reoccurring condition that can cripple any re-enactor at any time of the year. This ailment is always directly linked to an event or series of events outside of the rendezvous world. For example, taking the kids to softball practice, attending weddings, visits from the in-laws, pulling a fallen tree off your roof, sumping a flooded basement, or having a 9 to 5 job (the most severe case). Among the less politically correct members of the local rendezvous', it is known as "thewifes". As in, "Graumagus’ a no-show this weekend. The wife's got him taking care of her twisted ankle." ( I personally don’t have a problem with “thewifes” since mine is also a re-enactor)

Rondyflu: That sick feeling you get in the winter when there are no rendezvous to attend, also calling in sick to work so you can go to a rendezvous. (I have had a full-blown case of this for almost two months now)

I know this was an extensive list. I wanted to get the stolen borrowed ones out of the way so I could go one with originals from my group and myself. I did alter the definitions some for personal references and a better general understanding.